domingo, 3 de febrero de 2013

Xcode 4 CPU Indexing


My first real entry.

The first problem i encountered when migrating my technology to IOS was that my Xcode was permanently using All of CPU, making my computer SLOW and terribly hot...

A few months before, I had SET one computer on fire, because of a similar problem...

After researching the problem, i discovered the issue was Indexing....

So, basically, if your Xcode (4.3 and 4.4 in particular) are eating all your cpu cycles, you must disable
xcodes indexing mechanism... autocomplete features wont be working very well, but aside from that, everything will go smoothly and you will get back your cpu cycles...

To disable Xcodes Indexing, open up a terminal and type (with Xcode closed):

defaults write IDEIndexDisable 1

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